Droid RAZR Forum - Motorola Droid RAZR Community - Droid RAZR Graphics http://www.razrforums.com/forum/ This section is dedicated to all Droid RAZR Display discussions. This includes Wallpapers, Live Backgrounds, Pictures, Icons etc. en Wed, 01 May 2013 11:04:39 GMT vBulletin 60 http://www.razrforums.com/forum/images/styles/DarkCore/misc/rss.png Droid RAZR Forum - Motorola Droid RAZR Community - Droid RAZR Graphics http://www.razrforums.com/forum/ Droid Razr M wallpaper folder where? http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-razr-graphics/3324-droid-razr-m-wallpaper-folder-where.html Wed, 03 Apr 2013 19:15:18 GMT I've got a Droid Razr M, and have decided to use a more direct approach to putting wallpaper on the phone than the typical technique of putting the image in the normal "pictures" folder and then using the gallery to set it as wallpaper. I've decided to make the wallpaper directly available in the wallpaper list (the list that contains the phone's default wallpaper). For this there is probably a "wallpaper" folder. But unfortunately I can't find it.

Here's what I've done so far. I've plugged in the USB cable so I'm directly accessing my phone's internal storage (not an SD card). And on my Windows computer I'm using Windows Explorer to view the folders on my Razr M. Unfortunately there is no Wallpaper folder. There is a Pictures folder, but contains no Wallpaper folder.

Is the default wallpaper set not stored in a folder, but rather in some kind of proprietary archive file (possibly a compressed and/or encrypted file). If ANYONE has managed to discover the location where the default wallpaper pics are stored, please let me know. Thanks. ]]>
Droid RAZR Graphics Videogamer555 http://www.razrforums.com/forum/droid-razr-graphics/3324-droid-razr-m-wallpaper-folder-where.html